Friday, March 30, 2012

Lost Souls - 3/30/12

I'm walking down this path.
Taking note of everything.
It's distracting.
My heart is the size of Texas.
Absolutely too massive.
Trying to solve every problem.
But pieces are missing.
To finish, I need them.
In constant search for something that doesn't hurt.
If I could run away.
I would run so far.
Not accessible by train, plain, boat or car.
Only sand covering the land.
Barriers created by water.
Just my Family, Friends, I, And my beautiful daughter.
Safe from what selfishness creates.
No roads blocked by gates.
Only freedom to express ourselves and live free.
Being the best people we are capable of being.
Taking everything in with smiles.
In stride. No weight inside.
Gliding. Like free birds.
No critisiam or harsh words.
Tying weights to your ankles.
Making you as heavy as can be.
So it's easier to drown you in this powerful sea.
I will never understand what makes people act like they do.
Just be decent.
Is that to much to ask of you.
Being decent means...
Extending a much needed hand.
To be Loyale. Be a Friend.
Offering your love without expectations.
To people whom you have no relation.
being a voice from God.
Making it your occupation.
Raise your children to be the same.
Stop being a bully.
Calling out names.
Teach our children what really matters.
To be nice to the ones who's clothes are tattered.
Because they are the ones who need extra love.
Gandhi said "Be the change you wish to see in the world".
Despite every sharp curve.
Love yourself because you're worth it.
Life is too short.
Love every single bit.
Little tiny pieces creating a collage.
Believe whats good is real. Enjoy it.
Its not a mirage.
Spread seeds that bloom into wild flowers.
Stop spreading what creates disasters.
Spreading wild fires.
Every single person in this world matters.
Occasionally find the strength to look directly into the sun.
Realize whats in the past is done.
There's nothing left to run from.
Stop wearing a watch to tell you the time.
Stop clawing, digging, desperately climbing.
I will be the first to tell you its a waste of valuable time.
Time for a much need change.
Taking in more then what can be managed.
But make it a mission. A challenge.
Like a love letter left behind.
When its the end of your time.
A foot print in the sand.
Something to say you were here.
You made your mark.
Even while walking in the dark.
I'm proof that there's light.
That theres a reason to fight.
Because the feeling of when you've won,
And when you realize what this fight has made you become,
Made everything in my whole life Ive been running from.
Worth it. I know exactly who I am.
I know what I'm worth and what I deserve.
I let the faith take me to a place Ive never been.
My eyes are now open.
its a new beginning.
If you're in pain.
Hear my words.
I know what your going through.
But let me tell you, Your worth it.
There is something you can do.
Take a look deep inside.
Don't be afraid.
Be brutally truthful.
And I promise.
You'll find your soul.

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