Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My World - 3/26/12

If I could create a place,
It would be full of laughter.
Because of little hurting.
There would be no secrets worth keeping.
People would be smiling.
Because on this inside, They're not dying.
No pain.
Only good to gain.
Children would be children.
Not forced to live too fast.
There would be no killing.
No weight of sadness resting on tired shoulders.
No need for military.
Because there would be no need for soldiers.
There would be no clocks.
Because time wouldn't matter.
There would be no need for cranes or ladders.
No need for buildings that are too tall.
Soaring over you making you feel so small.
Making the world you live in entirely too large.
There would be no malls with parking garages.
Filled with items you have no need for.
Celebrities and sports would be no more.
Because useless entertainment is a waste of precious time.
There would be no zoo's for people.
Because there would be no crime.
Crime is committed because of desperation of some kind.
Most likely coming from a negative place within the person.
Clearly because this world has hurt them for certain.
People would feel kind.
Instead of feeling selfish.
Dreams would be reality instead of being wishes.
Music would be spread like wild fires.
There would be no truth.
Because there would be no liars.
There would be no drugs.
Because there would be nothing to run from.
No need to escape such a horrible place.
Holes created by things we've disgust.
There would be no evil.
Because money would not be a must.
People thriving.
Like sky scrapers.
There would be no need for hero's proudly displaying capes.
There would be no sea of city lights.
Shinny so brightly in the blackness of the night.
There would be no LRA because there would be no diamonds.
Wild flowers would come in the thousands.
You would know every face.
Because the world wouldn't be traveling at such a fast pace.
There would be no war.
There would be no sin.
This is the world, I would do anything to live in.

* Coming from such a frustrated place right now.

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