Thursday, March 8, 2012

My First Kiss 2/30/12

I feel I could never put into words what you truly mean to me.
but with this pen, And tears falling from my eyes, Im going to do my best and try.

You're engaged. And I'm enraged.
Not because of jealousy, greed, or even self pitty.
Because I trusted you. You used me.
I've never cared for another human the way I cared for you.
Everything you ever told me was untrue.
I thought it would all be a phase I outgrew.
But everytime I turn around, There you are.
Lighting up all the darkness, With all these stars.
There's a reason you were put in my life.
Everytime I try to find answers, Your throwing knives.
You tell me you don't care, But everytime I see you,
You stare.
Do people who don't care stare?
I feel like you do these things to try to keep to the truth hidden.
Because we're from two different worlds, Stuck back in time,
Almost as if it's been forbidden.
Maybe we were only meant to learn from each other.
Except with all these questions, This idea's been smoothered and undiscovered.
There's an energy pulling me towards you that I don't understand and find a little scary.
The weights become to heavy, It can never be re-carried.
I will walk away with this heavy heart, That was beating in your bare hands when you tore it apart.
With my questions tucked in my pocket.
Your memory frozen. Like a picture in a locket.
Not knowing what it is that I need or even want from you.
Left with nothing but a gravity pull not letting me get away from you.
From time to time it's made me question myself.
Am I crazy? Or do I need help? How is it possible I could have created this myself?
It's not. Because I didn't.
I trusted you. And I shouldn't.
You were my last hope in seeing the good in people.
Instead you reminded me of the evil.
The lesson I'm choosing to take,
Is that it was worth my heart ache.
Because one day, It will be your heart that's aching while slowly breaking.
Stuck with a ring that doesn't mean anything.

* Written about someone who truly hurt my heart.

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