Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Race In Someone's Face - 3/21/12

Mexican, Caucasian, African, Asian, Or Haitian.
We are all the same. We are all Gods children.
How could some believe people don't belong because of a race.
Trying to hide the disgust written all over their face.
What makes you so much better because of the color of skin.
To me, It's ridiculous.
There's absolutely no reason.
What if you were trapped in a car that was burning on fire.
Burning off your skin. Along with your attire.
Begging and pleading for anyone to come to your rescue.
When he arrives, his skin is as black as the night.
But you quickly think, There's no time to argue. There's no time to fight.
This man,
Has a purpose.
God specifically wrote him a plan.
He is a decent person who does little wrong.
And you think you have a right to say he can't find a place to belong.
He just saved your life. Without thinking twice.
Writing someone off based on the color of their skin,
Shows more about the pain you're living in.
Ugly seeping through every pore.
Knowing that this is wrong.
But your selfishness helps you ignore it.
If you feel this way, It's because you feel so much hate.
The color of peoples skin is not where it was created.
The ugly you see in your reflection,
Is a result from traveling in wrong directions.
Often finding yourself lost.
You forgot to dot your "i's"
You left your "t's" uncrossed.
Someone failed you along the way.
And now your angry at the entire world,
Because your still not ok.
At one point in time you may have been a victim.
But you know what your doing now is wrong.
Ask for forgiveness.
God will help those who listen.
Even if it's been years since you've been lost or missing.
Grab his hand, hold tight. Hold on for dear life.
God doesn't care if your black or white.
You can hold your breath,
Because it wont be too long.
Until God re-positions you to travel the direction you were meant to all along.
Asking for help is  never a sign of weakness.
It's what creates uniqueness.
People don't see the power they have.
They cower and turn to vices.
Throwing a fit like a child,
Crossing their arms while shutting their eyes real tight.
If I can't see you. You can't see me type of metaphor.
Every time they check a door it's locked just like the one before.
The keys can be found,
Once you start digging deep into the ground.
Not minding the filth now covering your clothes.
Your face is bright like a freshly bloomed red rose.
Out of breath and truly exhausted.
From the seeds you just newly planted.
Sit back and watch them grow.
Let them be your mile posts.
Directing which way not to go.
If you're true to yourself,
You occasionally wont find yourself needing help.
Don't let negative past experiences...
Take away from the beauty.
Taking away the brilliance.

* We need a revolution.

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