Friday, March 9, 2012

Walls - 3/7/09

What do you do when you've reached a wall at the end of a road.
Do you try to climb it or find a way around it.
I choose to find a way around it.
What do you do when every direction you choose to go in,
Leaves you with yet another dead end.
It could be compared to;

Decided at the spur of a moment to go on a 10 day hike through the dessert.
You pack the essentials.
But somehow forget the most important thing.
The water.
But by the time you realize it,
It's too late to go back and get it.
When the dehydration sets in,
Your weak, delusional, And in an impossible position to make the right choices given your status.
Then It's do or die.
Do you try to help yourself?
Or call out for help?
What if that help arrives.
But your so delusional from this whole ordeal,
That what if It's enough to make you think all this good,
Is in fact bad.
How long is that help suppose to try and help you before it becomes a danger to themselves.
But can they give up?
Some could.
Others would kill themselves trying to save you.
What happens if you choose to not call for help.
Are you strong enough to beat the odds.
Where is that inner will to survive in everyday life.
How could you be able to survive something like a 10 day hike through the dessert with no water or water source.
I'm struggling to find that will.
I'm lost with no direction.
I'm finding myself back at these walls more times then others maybe.
Maybe one day I'll be smart and figure out I need to climb it.

* Written about someone trying "saving me" and me not letting them.

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