Thursday, March 8, 2012

Gods Creation - 2/12

Like calm waters of a slowly running stream, the surroundings are beautiful, the setting so serene.
Such an amazing sound as the wind blows through the leaves of the trees. colors like paint on canvas splattered all over gods creation, almost as perfect as an animation.
The peace I feel as I cast my fishing reel, is as soft as the petals of a perfect rose. This feelings unbelievable, so surreal, s...o close.
I'm waking over a bridge into the unknown of the green wilderness, which is exactly where I need to be.
Sometimes you have to get lost to find yourself. To find a way to succeed.
I can smell the nature all around me. The bark, the river, the trees.
For the first time in my life, I feel completely free.
* Written in my head while trying to fall asleep the morning before putting it on paper.

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