Thursday, March 8, 2012

Toll Of Life - 8/17/08 13 days before my 21st.

I'm falling apart at all my seems. I've lost my goals and I have no dreams. I drink to make the pain go away.
But it just subsides it. It's here to stay.
I've given up on most things I care about, and people don't notice cuz I keep my sadness quiet as a mouse.
I don't want people to care, I don't want them to know me.
Sometimes I wish god would just... take me so that I can finally be set free.
Set free from the minions that control my life, holding me down and making me fight.
I want to be a happy girl. Not a sad girl who feels so alone in a cold, empty world.
I have lost who I am and I just want to find her.
I have the capability of becoming something great but can't become that until I don't feel like I'm gonna break.
I don't want it to hurt.
I don't want it to burn.
I want to be happy.
Is it ever gonna be my turn?
I feel divided into a million little pieces.
Torn apart at the creases.
The time will come when I'm ready to make changes.
But for right now...the alcohol is in charge and I'm gonna let it be, until I'm ready to set myself free.

* Written right after leaving a relationship that lasted 6 years. That was one crazy summer. I'm in a much better place now. :)

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