Wednesday, March 28, 2012

We Still Have A Chance - 3/27/12

Some of my greatest memories involve the ocean.
Waking up at 6 a.m.
With my dad to search for agates on the beach.
Staring out from the window with binoculars at occasional boats too far to reach.
My grandma has a beach house at Gleneden.
The locals call it " Get Eaten "
Known for it's number of sharks.
Memories here are so special.
I hold them close to my heart.
It almost took my life on my 8th birthday.
I thought it was low tide.
I was wrong.
I walked straight in.
And almost drowned.
I will never forget the tiny pebbles sliding between my toes.
I remember the salt water in my throat and in my nose.
Feeling like I was a thousands pounds.
Unable to scream. Kicking my feet,
But unable to reach the ground.
I couldn't see anyone around.
I was saved that day.
By a man and his teenage daughter.
I was literally plucked out of this massively large body of strong water.
It wasn't enough to take away my love.
It wasn't enough to instill any fear.
I could never write down all the great memories I had here.
This was the only one, I don't like to think of.
Ive spent birthdays here.
Ive spent fourth of July's here.
My dad taught me the bridge with cards here.
Teaching me while drinking his beer.
My grandma polished my precious rocks.
Proudly displaying them after the miles my dad and I would walk.
Every time I come to this irreplaceable place.
It's all so different. Changing at a rapid pace,
Like fast currents.
Except those currents are not filled with salt water and ocean life anymore.
It's nothing but plastic. Plastic galore.
Sea life is rapidly changing.
And were oblivious and refuse to do any re- arranging.
Making a better future for the children you will be forced to leave behind.
But as you drink from your water bottles your not keeping any of it mind.
Throwing away this bottle on your way out of the stadium.
Having no Idea where its going or where it came from.
6,000 children die everyday from disease.
Associated with lack of access to safe drinking water.
It seems to be nobodies business.
Nobody seems to be bothered.
Equivalent to 20 Jumbo Jets crashing everyday.
These are factual statistics and its far from ok.
Marketing plots so obvious it should make you feel like an idiot.
For buying into something so ridiculously stupid.
Over polluting our oceans by extremes.
The largest patches of trash, Living in our seas.
We couldn't even imagine the severity. Not in our wildest dreams.
Pretty soon, If we don't change what we do,
There will be no memories of sand castles, sea shells, Agates.
Because you'll be digging in nothing but plastic.
Open your eyes and allow your heart to care.
Lets play a game of truth of dare.
Either way your bound to learn.
Nothings free. Everything is earned.
Stand up and do your part.
Stop adding cases of water bottles to your grocery cart.
Paying hard earned money for something that comes out of you home faucets.
West Africans walk an average of 4-6 miles just to obtain it.
Only to have 1 out 4 die because they had no other choice but to consume this.
You can't deny, Sit here and lie, and pretend this is normal.
Because we both know its absolutely horrible.
So the next time you go to drink from plastic.
Take a second to realize what your effecting.
Appreciate the water you do have.
Do your part to save our future.
Restore humane nature.
Re-creating man kind.
To care more than only of themselves.
And to open their minds.
Appreciating, while re living priceless family memories.
Building castles, Flying kites, Listening to the changing tides.
Stop creating so much waste to scatter.
Let the sea life know we care. That they matter.
Spare time to change a life.
Care more about our enviornment because its vital that it doesn't die.
Know every single action you take has a consequence.
Wake up and realize we still have a chance.

* Stop buying bottled water.

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