Friday, March 30, 2012

Dimes Taking place of your mind - 3/30/12

Like a sparkler on the fourth of July.
On fire. But with a time limit that will expire.
Trying with every ounce of strength. To hold onto every thread.
To make lasting memories.You'll never forget.
Experiences forcing you to grow as a person.
But there's no guarantee's.
Nothings for certain.
Meeting people along the way.Who either keep you on your path.
Or veer you off to stray.
Getting lost occasionally just to find yourself again.
Being re- invented.
This is not for play. Its not for pretend.
It's real. Your hearts beating. Your alive to feel.
Sometimes it hurts.
But that's what makes all this craziness work.
Because when you're brought to your knees.
Now your in an impossible potion to not be able to see.
See what you're not seeing.
Or to see what you've been missing.
Life is here for us to learn.
I honestly don't believe its all to just to die in the end.
Buried. Or resting in a yearn.
Like we didn't go through all of what we did for a reason.
Like it was just for spring. Or fall. Like it was only a season.
Soon to pass. But you can count on it coming back.
When I think of the after life. I think of a second chance.
To do what I ran out of time for. To sing and dance.
Being completely happy. Care free. Never worried.
Weightless like a feather. Floating. Being carried.
Not a wrinkle or weather.
As proof Ive the storms Ive been recovered from.
Strong enough. Smart enough.
To save my own life. Capable of surving.
Holding on for a reason unknown of.
Until today.
Because now I know where I'm going.
I'm heading home.
On the road that wont end until my time is over.
Its whats pushing me forward.
Excited for the madness to eventually stop. But in pain at the thought of,
Of who will be left behind. Until we meet again because it will be their time.
To be rewarded with wings. We can sing and dance together.
Floating like feathers. Having what we always dreamed.
Be one and live together. No race in someones face.
No flowers crippled, Dying at the root.
But still living in a beautiful vase.
No blond in someones hair. No treatment of any kind that isn't fair.
Only love for every soul. That was roaming lost, Unable to find home.
Never in need again of shelter of any kind. No give or take.
Whats mine is mine. No selfishness masking true beauty.
No locked doors. With missing keys.
Now open to whomever has the courage.
To walk through not feeling discouraged.
Afraid of the unknown. Unable to allow yourself room to grow.
Remember, God would never fail you.
He would never put you through something if it wasn't to teach you.
His mysterious ways will never be solved.
Until your standing in front of him while he's explaining his love.
Lessons to create such a beautiful child.
Or a beautifully created animal living in the wild.
It's all the same.We are all the same.
It's all a test. A Russian rulet game.
Take a gamble. Take a risk.
There's so much sitting right in front of us.
That we usually miss.
Because we think we know ourselves better. But we are wrong.
Depending on dimes to pass the time. Dimes to fill holes.
Afraid of letting go. Living with only faith.
Letting someone else be in charge.
Living simply. Instead of living large.
Spending your time here wisely.
Forget about dimes.
Don't let fear.
Be your demise.
Spread those wings you so proudly earned.
Let them span as far as you can,
And learn how to fly.

* This was inspired while driving past a retirement home and catching a glimpse of two people hugging in the car while stopped waiting to pull out.

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