Thursday, March 22, 2012

Disneyland 3/22/12

Some children are born to be blessed.
Others, are put to God's ultimate test.
These little boy's and girl's,
Are the one's who end up making changes in the world.
Little soldiers of their own army.
The numbers they come in,
Is not only shocking,
It's seriously alarming.
Selfish people called their "parents".
Just by one look of an outer appearance,
This fact is compltey apparent.
For the rest of their lives,
They bare scares where they cut themselves with knives.
Experiences making them reflect back on all the neglect.
Forced at too young of an age,
To be their own guide.
So now they spend everyday desperately searching,
For themselves on the inside.
Wasting half of this short life.
Spending 8 hours a day in a classroom of 30,
who never ask if you're ok,
When you're sitting there in front of them, Hurting.
Coming into class from the night before,
Where they have no clue,
You sleep with a locked bedroom door.
Keeping out the "Monsters" that infiltrate your life.
Scaring you out of your little mind.
Teachers are like second parents.
Spending almost as much time with you as family.
But most don't notice this fact,
Because they don't make enough money.
Angels sent by God to do an unbelievably hard job.
They still can't help enough little soldiers,
Beat the odds.
Pushing them through class as fast as they can.
On to the next.
Almost as natural as a reflex.
If you are a teaching reading these words,
Please hear me because I was one of these little girls.
Showing up everyday put together perfectly.
Painting you a picture,
So you couldn't see me hurting.
But what I wanted more than anything,
Was to not just have you look at me.
I was begging and pleading with my eyes.
I wanted you to actually see me.
For the helpless child I was,
Unable to spread my wings,
And fly away from this dreadful place.
Filled with cigarette smoke and Hamms beer.
Every face full of tears.
All of us wanting to run in opposite directions.
Away from all the pain, the hate,
The neglect, the rejection, and lack of protection.
And in all the meanwhile,
When we did show up at school,
You better believe it was with a smile.
Never choosing to share our pain.
Only allowing you as far as our first and last names.
I don't think I ever had many friends visit this trailer.
But yet, My clothes looked like they were tailored.
With a pretty face, Nobody asked any questions.
So eventually I began to feel trapped and caged in.
The sadness started to control my life.
I quit going to school.
I couldn't look at my reflection.
And I stopped eating food.
I locked myself in a place I wish upon none.
These are the things I am constantly running from.
If you thought you knew me, You had no idea.
All you really knew,
Was that my name is Lia.
So the next time you find yourself judging.
Or a teacher, Teaching a class,
Remember these soldier children,
And know that each and every one of them have a past.

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