Monday, April 30, 2012

A Love Note To Teenagers - 4/30/2012

I'm coming undone. I'm falling apart.
It hurts when your coming unglued.
Something hideous is distracting the beautiful view.
It's barely out of your reach.
You try to escape it all by spending a weekend at the beach.
But it doesn't take away the reality of what is real.
If only we could see in ourselves, What others see.
Maybe we wouldn't find ourselves frequently lost needing help.
If only when you are a teenager,
Could you see the importance of appreciating the carelessness while it's there.
But we don't. we want to grow at a rapid pace.
To be adults to do whatever we want.
But what we don't realize is,
That's when the world crawls on your chest and decided it has found it's new home.
For some, This is when they find themselves with a new born, completely alone.
It's when you are forced to deal with pain you never thought could hurt so bad.
It's when you lose your best friend. your parents. or grand dad.
when bills are flying through your mail box like its a scene from harry potter.
When you have to get food stamps to feed your son or daughter.
When college is over, So is the party.
You are about to unexpectedly be smacked in the face with reality.
It's more than hard to swallow.
You literally have to choke it down.
No more proms. Wearing beautiful gowns.
No more size 1 after you bare scars from birthing life.
As a reminder, You are left with stretch marks.
No more barbies and Lego's.
Now a soldier coming home from war.
Missing a limb.
Now life has happened.
You will never ever be who you were back then.
If only we could have listened to the advice being thrown all over the place.
But instead its all about American Eagle and MySpace.
We think we have every answer when we are teenagers.
There is no time to listen.
There is only time for us.
That's when insecurity sets in from broken trust.
That's when people are given complexes.
From anger or from people who feel jealous.
We are jealous because we are all trying to find ourselves.
To find our right paths.
Learning formulas and how they react.
Being taught about our history when its a waste of time.
Because where people like that have gone is a mystery.
People who create such change.
People like Leonardo Da Vinci and Martin Luther King Jr.
People who changed the future.
Now it's all about Justin Beiber.
To care more would be intensely beneficial.
Make a big enough change and they will eventually recognize you.
Making your efforts official.
We need to dream bigger.
Especially when we are children.
Before we are adults.
When everyone tells you that you can't.
When nobody cares anymore.
When nobody listens.
I want to be remembered when I leave this place.
By my full name. Not just by my decent face,
I want my voice to be heard.
I want to write until God has taken my life.
Like I am relaying words he is softly whispering in my ear.
Coming in through me to make sure he is heard.
No dream is too big.
Picture it in your mind.
Creating a visual image.
You have the after life to rest.
So while you're here.
Exhaust yourself.
Push every limit.
Always force yourself to be,
What to you, Is the best.
Make yourself proud.
Nobody else will do that for you.
Work really hard, And God will reward you.
Apologize when your wrong.
Do the right thing.
Don't blame him for taking your son.
When it was the person holding the gun.
The person who interfered with his plan.
I remember when I was a child thinking of these things.
I knew it wasn't normal.
When your a teenager, Choose every step very carefully.
Don't let every mistake, Be the only thing to teach.
Be smart enough to know that your elders know something about life.
Don't always push them away.
Creating distance because your choosing not to listen.
Lost in hormones.
If you are reading this,
Take the advice before the party is over.
Before you have no room for mistakes.
Before you are a parent yourself.
And now, you're completely on your own.

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