Monday, April 30, 2012

A Womens Worth - 4/30/2012

She works so hard.
It's do or die.
Every day is more then a struggle.
But she continues to give it her best try.
She is a single mother.
Alone with 2 daughters.
She has no help.
She is completely by herself.
She was forced to be this mother before she was even grown.
Maintaining a 2 bedroom apartment.
It's too small of a space.
She feels the need to escape.
It's driving her insane.
She wants to run away.
Step foot on a plane.
She doesn't care the destination.
Just as long as there is no application.
Every breath she is breathing is becoming harder.
She is trying desperately to make up.
For feeling like she is failing her daughters.
One wrong choice was enough to change to direction of her life.
Meeting one of her daughters fathers.
He filled her eyes and heart full of dreams.
Instead decided to turn his back and walk away.
Leaving her stuck in this post traumatic state.
She can't always feel because of how numb she has had to become.
She walks to bus stops everyday.
To try and control the chaos.
To show her daughters, They still have a chance. It's gonna be ok.
She is screaming at the top of her lungs in a crowded room.
Not one head has turned to notice the commotion.
Her chest is so heavy. So tight.
From battling through this struggle. This fight.
From discovering the feeling of emotion again.
I wish I could save her.
Come to the rescue with some kind of magic potion.
All I can continue to do is show her,
I'm ALWAYS going to be her to support her.
I will never leave her behind.
I will pick up the slack of not only dead beat fathers,
But a dead beat grandmother also.
To be the one to scare away the monsters hiding in her closet.
To give what I can. help with her daughters. To be her sister.
No one besides our own family could ever love her like i do.
She is genuine. She's caring, honest, and true.
There is nothing she wouldn't do for you.
I could never sit here and write it all down for you know.
The worth of a women is almost un-human like.
For all that they are expected to do.
As mothers, daughters, sisters, wives.
Sometimes having to do these unbelievably hard tasks all by themselves.
There is no man there to help.
The strongest person you will ever meet is a mother.
Like extraterrestrial. It's hard to believe. Almost unreal.
And out of this world.
It all starts over with the birth of a new little girl.
They are under appreciated.
The only way we have our world today.
The only thing that keeps it turning.
And we today, Measure her beauty on the color of her hair or skin.
Her size. Whats on the exterior. Not the warrior on the inside.
It sickens me.

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