Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Calm Before The Storm - 4/10/12

I'm learning every single day. Nothing is perfect.
But every day you get is a given gift.
Make it what you can.
Try your hardest to reinvent yourself as often as possible.
Never lose your faith despite every obstacle.
Believe that dreams can come true.
Keep your outer shell hard like bamboo.
Ricocheting bullets.
Find whatever you need in a positive form to get you through it.
Without the struggles. You would never learn. Never grow.
Let the happiness in. It makes you glow.
Tell the people you care for that you love them as much as you can.
Because tomorrow is not promised. You don't have a choice.
You don't have a say. It's not your plan.
Let the heat of life singe every hair on your head.
Never stop living until your gone and dead.
Next time you can, Remember to stare at the moon.
Maybe stare at it from a ride in a hot air balloon.
Enjoy the rain when you're caught in a monsoon.
Every drop is absorbed into your body.
Making you stronger. Fully embodied.
Hug your children today like you will never see them again.
If you're lucky you will likely only have 80 summers in a lifetime.
Before the probability of walking with a Cain.
I advise that you spend them with people you admire.
Let the beauty of nature inspire.
Speak loud. Like you're connected to an amplifier.
be certain your voice is heard. because It's important.
Give affection. Without the guarantee of protection.
Go look into a mirror right now. And love every imperfection.
Don't let your yourself feel the tensions. Run from apprehensions.
Think of the future holding all it's possibilities.
Never let in negativity. It will take over and run rapidly.
I can't wait for what life will throw at me next.
What struggles am I going to face.
The ultimate tests.
If I pass it's only logical I would be rewarded.
What ship will I aboard.
Set out on my next crazy adventure.
To create another part of myself.
To learn lessons that teach me. To expand my capabilities.
Think of every downfall as the most beautiful waterfall.
There's beauty in every breakdown.
Something to learn. Something to be found.
I am so thankful for this second right now in today.
I'm breathing. I have family. They love me.
I'm alive. It's up to me to let go.
Fall with my eyes closed.
Believe and have faith.
That at the end of the day.
I am strong enough to tread this water.
Until I find the path that at the time, I'm meant to follow.
I will walk those paths with my head held high and never turn back.
Those paths will eventually fork into others.
Around every corner there are new things to be discovered.
I will be forced one day to deal with the pain of losing my father and my mother.
But I know God will always be walking hand in mine.
Forever at my side. Carrying me at times.
When I feel like I have had enough. I can't take anymore.
The devils been knocking at my door.
When it's too hard to even breath. Like the snap of fingers.
Some pressure is relieved. I'm learning everyday.
And I'm re- discovering my faith.
My capability to disperse so much of what I've learned.
Receive love. Hard lessons about how It's all earned.
God is good. God is great. If you haven't found him.
He's been waiting. It's never too late.
It's always darkest before the storm.
But there's also a calm that comes before the storm.
Giving you time. Time to react. Time to think.
If you let him in, Your life will be forever changed.
Like neglected wounds have just been bandaged.
Now you just need to give them time to heal....

*I'm ok for right now... :)

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