Monday, April 9, 2012

Right Now In Today - 4/9/12

I hate cancer. Raging through bodies.
Infecting good people. Taking their lives.
Daughters, sons, brothers, sisters, fathers,
mothers, grandparents, friends, husbands, and wives.
Making every breath you take, A struggle. A fight.
A fight you pray everyday to win.
There are no guarantees.
But somehow you remain strong within.
Never showing how much pain you actually might be in.
Physically, Mentally, Or emotionally.
You love them too much to hurt their feelings.
Courageous and brave.
Walking with your hopes high every day.
Optimism becomes your best friend.
You were chosen by God to change lives.
Re- creating his original plan.
By restoring people from the inside.
With your inspiration shinning so brightly.
Hanging on to tiny little threads so tightly.
Not allowing yourself to think of any other alternative.
Then living a long and beautiful life.
To beat this unbearable fight.
Though you might have ran out time.
It was only here on earth.
Now your somewhere else.
Somewhere that needs so much of your help.
In need of someone like you.
You deserve and earned every single feather he is going to give you.
For all the hard work you do.
Teaching about life and what it's really worth.
Don't waste a single moment.
Don't take anything for granted.
Treat everyone as if there is not a promised tomorrow.
The bad makes you appreciate what's good.
Even if it is hard to swallow.
God and his mysterious ways.
At times, It's confusing.
But it's not for you to waste precious time understanding.
He has a reason for taking good souls.
Mike, Seth, Kevin, Peggy, Lacey, Bryce, Darlene, Kim, Johni, Joel.
My 3 month old nephew Spencer.
And the millions in between.
It doesn't take away the heart ache or relieve any pain.
At times making you angry.
Or makes you numb because you don't know what to feel.
You don't feel like yourself. You feel strangely. Is this even real.
Thinking about every memory like a flashback picture show through your entire mind.
Trying desperately to hold to any memory you are able to find.
Remembering them for who they were.
Amazingly happy. Beautifully gifted.
Smiles that freeze time. Stopping hands on clocks.
Changing so many lives. Including mine.
The love only grows. The visits become dreams.
The pain may ease slowly with time.
The memories never ever fade.
And we all now that they are now and forever,
In a much better place.
I will never forget what I have learned.
And I will never forget to be thankful for every single second in a day.
It's never promised.
There's only right now in today.

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