Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hungry for Change - 4/3/12

Do you have any idea where the food you eat might come from.
Places like Safeway, Win-Co, and Albertonsons.
The question should be do you want to know.
Do you care to know?
My guess would be no.
Because if you did there is no way we would allow this to continue.
Having no clue what they put in our food.
Raising a chicken to be slaughtered in 44 days when it used to be 4 months.
Pumping it full of harmones intirely too much.
Until its unable to carry its own weight. Therefore unable to walk.
Feeding these animals the same thing they put in every single thing we already eat.
It's a system set up and designed to be unable to beat. Its corn. Cattle sprayed off with ammonia.
Trying to control choas. Praying for no more breakouts of E coli.
That are taking lives. Because of ignorance. Selfishness. Whatever is easiest.
All for a dollar. And I have no choice but to feed this to my daughter.
Because not enough people are bothered. They dont demand change.
We dont unite together. To handle what is hard to imagine let alone individually manage.
Buying fruits that are now out of season. But never stopping to wonder why. Wheres the reason.
Thinking your making better choices by not eating at fast food places like burger king or McDonalds.
I'm sorry to have to tell you that your wrong.
That its not true. That you have no idea what they are feeding you.
Perfect pictures displayed on grocery items dipicting farm life.
Pull the wool from eyes. It's all lies.
Only 13 slaughter houses in our country to serve our outrageous demands.
Remember with that comes strategey. And secretive planning.
Dollars are all that matter to the people in charge. Not our health. Only their wealth.
For cars and houses that are too large to be taken care of on your own. To fill holes.
To entertain an adult living like a child who should be an adult living grown.
Nestle alone, has over 13 different brands of bottled water.
And you want to know how many people are in charge.
Testing this water and making sure it's safe. 1 Women.
Yet marketing it as the purest water you can get. But It's all in fact for a money pit.
I often wonder what makes people so complacent. To not realize what we are capable of.
Not demanding a safe place for themselves and for their children. Will it ever end.
Letting the world be run by men. Not to want change more than anything.
Do we vote for a reason or Is that again an illuison.
Creativily making you feel like your voice has a say. That they offer you a choice.
It doesnt. And they don't. Just ask about the build a bear group.
Our president is a puppet. Being told what to do by these people.
And If Im wrong, why Is there a reason for so many secrets. So many lies.
Why cant we know what is in our food.
Why are there secret libraires containing such important books.
Why can't we know about area 51.
What are they hiding. And why are they lying.
Like little test rats running rapid.
While they do their experimenting without difiance.
Educate yourself about the world you live in. It's not always a fairy tale.
Life Is too short to be made even shorter. With diabetes at an all time high.
Statistics like 1 in 3. Even worse with 1 in 2 in the minority.
Taking a green tomato and spraying it with ammonia until It's ripe. Right before your very eyes.
It's not ok. It's not at all alright.
Stand up. Use your voice.
Realize If we unite we now have a choice for them to be forced to hear our voioce.
4 major corporations for the nearly 47,000 items we carry in grocery stores today.
The only difference Is a brand. Nabisco or Tyson.
As their pockets are growing so are we. With America at It's all time high for obesity.
Because we are being force feed garbage. Then being told theres a standard. You'd better hit the gym.
Spending more hard earned money. Are you starting to see how It's working.
Describing Organic as safer when Theres not much of a difference. Its In fact really not.
Again, A plot. To control your money.
Corn products include: Ketchup, Chesse, Twinkies, Batteries, Peanut butter, Cheeze-its, Salad dressing, Jelly, Sweet & Low, Syrup, Juice, Diapers, Mortrin, Meat, Fast food, And this Is just to name a few. Now STOP.....that doesnt bother you? 70% of proccessed food, have some gentically motified ingrediant. The average chicken farmer invests over 500,00. Only taking In, 18,000.
During the Bush administration,
The cheif of staff at the USDA was former lobbyist for the beef industry In Washington. Coincidence?
In 1972, The FDA conducted 50,000 inspections. In 2006, Only 9,164.
You should educate yourself on agent Orange.
We are the only way It will ever stop.
And I hope generations after mine are able to read this.
As a reminder so they will never be able to forget. That they are worth more than this.
Put a foot down and demand It stops. Dont buy from markets.
Buy locally. Use your voice. Expand your capabilities. And know you deserve a choice.

*Thank you to Food Inc. A documentary I watched a few years ago that changed the way I eat forever. They make eating healthy too expensive for a reason. It's ridiculous that a head of lettuce costs more then a $1 cheese burger.

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