Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Color Of Black - 4/21/12

I once was asked in elementary school to write down what the color black meant to me.
I'm going to try this again. Now 24. And see what I see. Black.
People. Frozen souls. Selfishness.
Kony took almost two decades to be noticed.
You look like fools. For caring now that It's almost like a new trend.
Like when your a kid. You want to be with whats in.
The pitch in the black of the night. A red eye flight.
Life is like hot sauce. Surprising you with an after bite.
Lightening striking at night. Stars that shimmer so bright.
A blazing fire ball burning. Creating light.
Monsters that you think don't really exist.
Like something your scared of when your a kid.
The monsters today are very real.
Nothing gets blacker then that.
A wave of panic. That's what I feel.
Running from loose cannons. Giving you little time to react.
They don't even have to disguise what they are hiding inside.
A normal looking man. Or even in suits and ties.
The lies are slipping right through their teeth.
They wait for you to fall asleep.
Like a coyote, stalking sheep.
Black is the loss of loved ones.
Demons you run from. Regret.
Mistakes of times you wish to recreate.
Hate. Neglect. The end of the road. A shotgun.
And the tiny little pebbles that disperse when the shell explodes.
Pollution shortening life's earth span.
The end of time. The end of humans. Then new life begins.
The atmosphere of movie theaters.
Fear. And whatever it is that fear means to you.
Your secret inner struggles.
Whatever God is putting  you through.
The devil and all of his little helpers.
Attaching you to inflammables. Laughing while setting you on fire.
My biggest pet peeve. Liars. And everything they bring.
Our sick society. That we all seem to admire.
The kids all over the world.
Who are trying to rest their heads with stomach's aching because they have no food.
For the women's lives who are changed forever.
Because of Kony and his helpless army.
Or from a lost battle of breast cancer.
The babies who are crying without mothers in an orphanage crib.
For all the murderers. For all the lives they've taken, that they proudly admit.
Not being able to control whats inside them.
From childhoods. Or a chemical imbalance.
Save them when they are children. While you still have a chance.
The men and women bravely serving our country.
Who spend half their lives traveling. Sacrificing.
It has to be lonely. Despite being rewarding.
The people in hospital beds all over the world.
Burn units. Birth centers. NICU's. Emergency rooms.
Trauma and cancer centers.
At the same time a life is taken.
A life has just began.
At 10:59 A.m. Took their first breath of oxygen.
Angels must walk the hallways.
Picking broken pieces of people up of the floors.
To be the one in the ER. Holding the door.
Being an extra hand. When 15 people are trying to save 1 man.
At that moment it doesn't matter who he is.
All that matters is that he lives.
Why do we wait for horrible things to happen before we choose to care.
If we dare to. Why does it take something so extreme to inspire you.
Why can a silly little quote by someone whom you never met.
Be the reminder so that you don't forget.
If being a better person is too hard.
By all means. Give up.
But that's exactly why our society has this luck.
In fact, It has nothing to do with luck.
Everything has to do with the fact that we don't care anymore.
We've given up.
Another country that is run by It's government.
I'm not so sure sometimes that I am proud to be an American.
Americans live by nothing but double standards.
Taking life for granted. Sipping pina coladas on a tropical beach.
It's all a game of who looks best.
Who has the biggest weapons to test.
Who has the most money. Population. Economic growth.
Most of all power. They want everyone to know.
To be intimated. To become puppets. Connected to strings.
When every price tag is inflated.
Manipulating those master strings.
Over in the UK. They actually have a "QUEEN".
Date back as far as you can.
The things they accomplished were only because they had each other.
Do you think you are capable. Solely alone. Of building pyramids.
Like the trust game your taught as a child.
Turn around, Fall, And trust that I wont let you touch the ground.
Grab my hand and let's set out on this adventure.
The key in survival situations is to always stay together.
Unlike the feathers of a beautiful free bird.
Black is the color of our careless world.

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