Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Animal Within A Human - 4/25/12

Our system. Where to even begin.
Should I even begin. Is anyone even listening.
How is it that we are evolving.
Technology is thriving.
But our common sense is falling behind.
Computers and smart phones taking place of actually using our minds.
Who could have possible thought our judicial system is at all Justice in anyway.
Who are you as a stranger, To decide the fate of a human life.
By facts displayed. Maybe even circumstancial.
That these events may have taken place.
Maybe they are a 20 year old young man who made a bad choice.
Now he is living with a rapist. Locked in the same cage.
Like an animal who is no longer recognized by name.
But only by a set of numbers now.
When released, Leaving like infected with similar symptoms to mad cow.
Out of control and even worse then when they went in.
Now you expect them to be useful and productive.
A respected citizen. And that will never happen.
They say "Don't mess with Texas".
They're judicial system is the most complex and the hardest to understand.
With a "No Tolerance For drugs Law"
If you ask me it's ass backwards.
A system that releases a murderer before a drug dealer,
Is completely flawed.
When an animal attacks or mauls a human taking their life.
What do we do, We set out with weapons to hunt that animal.
To kill it for taking a life.
But yet, A set of 12 and 1 judge,
Sentence a man to 20 years for raping a child.
Or killing them with their bare hands.
A rope, Gun, Pillow, Or knife.
No matter how hard you fight.
They are released after 10.
Only four months later, To do this again.
Another child has just been taken.
At one point in time you would be hung for stealing a horse.
Because we stood for something.
We owned our voice and demanded a choice.
We don't do what's right at all today.
Apprehensive because It's "too expensive".
Let me ask you this, would you rather have entertainment of any kind,
Or have less missing children in the world to find.
People who hurt children do not deserve a second chance.
They are sick. There's a chemical imbalance.
So why take the chance. Why take a risk.
Is it truly worth it. No.
But again, Because they say it's too expensive.
The safety of my own child depends on people who are blind and ignorant.
People only want what's easiest today.
No matter Where, Who or What is betrayed.
Our world is living in silent chaos.
Everything is in a complete disarray.
Should it come to taking matters into our own hands.
Instead of waiting for a trial date.
When it comes to the life of a child or who took it.
Their fate should be death every time.
Madeleine McCann, I will never forget about you.
Your beautiful blond hair,
Or those eyes god gave you that are greenish blue.
You deserve to be with your family.
I don't know why they stole you.
I hope you are still alive. Still fighting.
To escape a place you should have never been in.
It's no place for a defenseless little girl.
Today you would have been 9.
You are a perfect example of what is wrong with our world.
What's wrong with man kind.
Just the day before you were a child playing on the sand in the sun.
And the next your life is forever changed because of a very sick person.
These people should never be treated like people for how they treated these children.
Even if they do live, After something so traumatic where do you even re-begin.
Sometimes It's takes some, Their entire lifetimes.
God doesn't open his gates for them.
They are not invited in.
So how as a christian, Or even if you're not religious.
Could we as people. Individuals, Tolerate this.
Maddie has inspired me.
To speak about this so no more children silently go missing.
Every day World Wide. Sadly, It's 1 million. Absolutley Astonishing.
So that no little girl or boy as a grown adult,
Has to live every day thinking that what happened to them might have been their fault.
To take away a lifetime of hurt. A lifetime of counseling.
To bring them back to their homes.
To be safely snuggled in their own living rooms.
Watching pictures of paramount.
To be with their families who love them like they should be loved.
To protect them from being raped. Murdered. Then smothered.
To take away every mothers massive heart ache.
I could never imagine that kind of pain.
That's why I keep my daughter attached to my side.
For fear that she might die.
She might meet this fate.
For fear that it could be my last time.
Of looking into her own beautiful greenish blue eyes.
They always say it just takes a second.
Remember that next time and every time.
Before taking them for granted when losing Patience.
Not everyone smiling is a good person inside.
Something needs to be done to fix whats wrong.
To make it right.
Leaving no more defenseless children.
Left alone, fighting.
Trying to be the one to save their own lives.

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