Friday, April 4, 2014

Love & Fantasies 3/14

The only way to describe the feelings.
The thoughts that flood my mind.
I rush to get them out at any cost.
At times, it's like they aren't even mine.
Then purged forward.
So fast.
So I keep this pen handy while it lasts.
I've often wondered what is the point of all of this rambling.
Is it to keep me afloat when life has me dangling.
Or for when I'm left with no time.
It has me scrambling.
For memories.
That I cherished.
For a lifetime.
To never forget how they made me feel.
They made me feel alive.
They made me feel real.
I've discovered the entire purpose of my being.
And to put it simply; Love.
With love it all becomes so easy.
So enlightening.
Its no longer so frightening.
Its beautiful.
Its powerful.
Like lightening.
Striking when and where you least expect it.
And it doesn't happen twice.
Rare indeed.
You can search your whole life for this one missing key.
A needle in a haystack.
But what's so ironic,
Is that its easier than you think, in fact.
Stop focusing on everything that you lack.
No need for defense.
Nobody is under attack.
This world was designed with many things in mind.
Free will isn't free.
You're given the respect.
With so much freedom and unconditional love,
It comes with responsibilities.
Responsibility to humanity.
The humans and their fragile hearts.
Resting in their own beings.
Every one of us is struggling.
These strings manipulate your capabilities.
Your free will.
Despite what you think,
You're not caged in.
You're not a doll.
Fresh air.
Feel the wind.
Wake up before you're robbed of your common sense.
Don't let technology re program what you were born to know.
As a child,
We are meant to grow.
To learn.
To eventually teach.
And with nothing but leeches,
There will be nothing left.
And what is,
Will be forgotten.
Its already happening.
We are multiplying rapidly.
Depleting the very resources that use to help our kind thrive.
Without them,
We all die.
But yet,
We as communities are choosing to pretend to be blind.
To cleverly divert our eyes.
To refuse the truth.
And I will never understand why.
Its like standing back with someone holds your child underwater.
While you sit with your hands in your lap.
Helplessly crying.
When all that's needed in most cases to save a life,
An entire race or even species,
Is to care enough to help it survive.
Not contemplation.
Just doing.
Stop them from dying.
Or at least try.
Isn't that the least you could to pay it forward for the gift of this life.
You're certainly not entitled.
And at any new obstacle.
Every domino could fall.
You should never feel comfortable.
This is not our home.
Visiting only temporarily.
To pass along the unconditional love that is crucially necessary.
We don't have time to be arguing over religion or science.
Wars, poverty, or violence.
Because with one thought,
Bullets are stopped before ever being shot.
Deep seeded anger is a black mask.
A scary monster hiding in the dark.
Something in this life tried to eat their heart.
Stolen for a moment.
Or 10 years.
Its a disguise to hide fear.
To hide insecurities.
They cant bear for you to see their vulnerabilities.
Someone failed them when they were babies.
In these times,
Its hard to not question Gods job.
His place in all of this.
How could something so beautiful,
Be so cruel.
It all comes back to free will.
As an individual you are loved enough to be your true self.
But remember that every choice you make,
Will guaranteed effect somebody else.
It could barely just brush past them,
Or forever impact them.
Change them.
Create them.
So when creating disasters,
Don't forget about the shrapnel.
Hurling at the speed of light in many different pieces.
Effecting everyone from your friends,
parents, grand parents, lovers, siblings, cousins, uncles, aunties, nephews, to nieces.
Especially in children.
The most impressionable.
So before you decide to live selfishly,
Remember your responsibility to humanity.
It will protect your own families.
Leaving this world a better place.
Next time,
Remember that unfamiliar face.
Looking at it from the top of the world in pitch black, Sparkling,
Starry space,
Gravity has me floating.
Drifting weightlessly.
Looking down at it all,
I cant believe it was all so simple.
And you will achieve a happiness that only exists in fantasies.

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