Tuesday, April 29, 2014

On Earth As It Is In Heaven 3/14

Lost in a field of imaginary sunflowers.
A land full of super powers.
A reality far, far away from this one.
The real one.
My ultimate wish,
Absolute freedom.
From anything harsh or hateful.
I want to live in a world that is beautiful.
My hearts keeps this land full of waterfalls.
Cold and mysterious.
When all I want is sunshine and bliss.
Who knew one kiss,
Could ruin so much happiness.
That pure bliss.
It only temporary took away the loneliness.
Left alone, I had to ask myself this;
Do you truly love yourself?
Are you enough?
I had to pick myself up off the floor.
And refuse to give up.
From so many people.
Too many to count.
My heart has led me down paths less traveled.
And overgrown.
I had to create them on my own.
So much work.
That at times I still question it.
Is this kind of torture on purpose?
Am I the one creating all of this?
I'm stuck in my own mind.
It prevents me from growing at times.
I replay memories just as i memorized school ground rhyme's.
That are stuck in my head.
Just like these haunting memories.
From too many broken roads.
On bad days,
I begin to somehow, After all this work,
Lose faith.
Lose hope.
In love.
In life.
In family.
What I want isn't just for me.
Its for the entire world.
From sea to shining sea.
I want everyone to feel happy.
To feel loved.
To have faith that there is something more.
There's people who we've loved and lost.
Looking down on us from above.
Stepping in only when necessary.
Believe in magic.
Believe in fairies.
Believe in the unimaginable.
Because what we live in today,
Is enough to make you want to run away.
Some do.
And they find their best friend in a syringe.
Till death do you part.
Together till the end.
Too many people in this world,
Including myself,
Are suffering in silence.
Denying it would be a lie.
A lie told from a soul that's unfulfilled.
Desperately trying to understand God's will.
Hoping and praying for your own fairy tale.
With a white picket fence.
A hand picked diamond.
A husband or wife that's extremely devoted and loyal.
Forgetting often that you are searching for what you lack.
You have skeletons like everyone else you try to conceal.
Focusing on only outward appearance's.
So that's its never revealed.
It's time that our generation gets real.
Stop chasing after the ideal.
Don't allow yourself to be brainwashed.
I just suddenly realized,
That there is some prick reading this,
Laughing and mocking.
Thinking I'm nothing but a tree huggin' hippie.
Bullshit in their eyes.
So they cleverly find entertainment.
Forget love.
Footballs and baseball gloves.
Who going to win the next fight.
Waiting days to kill an innocent doe.
For sport.
Taking their antlers for proof.
On display for show.
Just like in reality.
Love has become a game.
And its absolutely disgusting.
If people don't stand up and care enough for change,
We will all be existing in this dimension.
Wheedling shotguns.
Blasting targets on a daily basis.
Living in chaos.
Secretly and deeply afraid.
Enough that the stress from realizing all of this,
Makes you want to run for your life.
You want to be first place.
Win this race.
God forbid you place last.
What we seem to fail to recognize,
Is that we all end up in a casket.
The beautiful part in all of this,
Is that as ugly as a person can be,
They will be loved regardless.
For eternity.