Friday, May 16, 2014

Double Standards 5/14

I've often wondered what makes a person fight,
With their heart and with their mind,
Of what they know is wrong and right.
Why is there even a fight.
Making exceptions for the wrong.
Running from anything loving or truthful.
Choosing to exist on hell on earth.
Not for one second thinking of the day when they are laid to rest.
Never questioning where they are going.
Not a day in their life do they try their best.
Like a spider weaving a web.
Trapping lives in this sticky mess.
For the sole purpose of consumption.
Their own wants are in their mind.
It's what's most important.
Extremely sick and in need of help.
But instead is left alone.
Told to grow up.
And be a man.
Such awful behavior doesn't happen for no reason.
There are trapped little boys and girls.
In bodies of grown adults.
Who were lost.
And never given help.
No reason on planet earth makes ok to hurt another.
What if that was your own brother.
Or father.
Or sister.
Niece, Nephew.
Or mother.
The population of this world,
Should practice compassion.
Its not a gift we are born with.
And some children are never taught this.
Never taught to feel for another.
So in their twenties,
They take their rage out rapping,
Or desperately gathering money.
Hate filled souls.
With so much its overflowing.
Spilling into our streets.
Our homes.
And neighborhoods.
Terrifying men in black hoods.
Or looking like your average man.
We don't ever speak of the fear.
We just quietly keep our children near.
I don't understand what makes people so complacent.
Its never been clear.
When even one person,
Is capable of creating so much change.
Like Martin Luther King Jr.,
Where are our dreams?
Why aren't we working together as a team.
To fight evil.
Instead of letting it run rapid.
Snatching our children.
In broad daylight.
Amber didn't have a chance.
She couldn't be saved.
Not even by her own dad.
Left with nothing but a new or reformed law.
And the anger that's making you clench your jaw.
People who choose evil,
Will leave you questioning your faith at times.
Nothing but a sea of whys.
The biggest being,
Why me.
Why mine.
That's where we are wrong.
As a society,
Any child should be felt as your own.
Women and men who are even grown.
They were loved.
They belonged to a family.
We as a society,
Make a lot of excuses because of money.
In these moments,
My own anger is building.
I began hopeful.
Of feeling uplifted.
But lets face it.
Evil is hurtful and hateful.
Traveling along this gravel road.
This is where I began to wonder how to create prevention.
If every soul is loved,
And should be,
Then it is our duty to change evil,
With love.
Maybe it wouldn't be like finding waldo.
Trying to spot the clearly broken souls.
Scared from fear.
We take off in the opposite direction.
Trying to save our own lives.
Trying to simply protect our families.
But what we cant see,
Is that the awful,
Are needy.
Something or someone destroyed a child at a point in time.
And now they will be forever stuck back in time.
Sometimes there are no choices.
And you cant save every life.
So this leaves me feeling like an everyday juror of a crime.
And if one cannot truly be saved,
Why is this a question of time.
Forever in my eyes.
Locked behind doors.
Getting help.
Why don't we fight for lives.
Making exceptions only when it gets enough nation,
Or worldwide attention.
Until it almost becomes like a selfish competition.
Its leading me to crazy thoughts about our government.
My mind is racing so fast.
Like one of the men who wrote the bible.
I feel like what I'm being told,
Should be shared with the world.
Maybe its just one loving heart.
From one simple girl.
Who's living constantly paranoid.
Far from a sheep.
Very aware.
I'm our governments worse nightmare.
They don't want you to know the truth.
And sadly,
People who vote are in the firing line.
Being the first ones to be controlled.
To be brain washed.
Everything in this world will come down to cost.
Spin it.
Flip it.
Turn it.
Look at it upside if you must.
I wish I could scream....
They don't care about us.
Look into what they are feeding us.
Our children don't even wear seat belts on a bus.
The lies buried deep in these rabbit holes,
Will make you feel like Alice.
Lost in a world of madness.
Where Lucifer is not just a cat.
The strange people wearing hats,
Are now hooded sweatshirts that are black.
Alice is not in for the ride of her life.
She's fighting for it.
And if she succeeds,
She is left with one person changing her destiny.
Her individuality.
Her personality.
Her spirituality.
Fighting to not let it take what's remaining,
Including her set of beliefs.
The only possible relief,
Is time.
We live in an impatient world.
This is where one would wish to die.
Or even possibly think of suicide.
Feeling too weak to put up the fight that is greatly needed.
Life brought you to your knees.
With two choices.
Pray or be executed.
Nobody should ever have to die alone.
In this fucked up world.
There are millions of child pornography images,
Being distributed.
With not enough people to stop it.
It all comes back to compassion.
Who is even looking at these images.
And why do they want to.
I hope there is a man or women,
Reading this.
Asking themselves these questions.
I hope the next time a person decides to destroy a human life,
That they remember this life is not the end.
You will never get away with it.
Forever condemned in the hell you are living in.
On earth, as it is in heaven.
The only way for prevention,
Is world wide compassion.
And dissections.
Ask questions.
A lot of them.
Every single day.
Because we too,
Are not safe from the condemned.
Angels have fallen.
Whether you believe in faith or not is irrelevant.
One thing we all have in common,
Is love and a need to protect our children.
Why it stops there,
I will never understand.
Throwing out every double standard,
Will leave you with answers.

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