Monday, December 1, 2014

Are You Bored? 11/14


I'm so angry.
And don't want to be.
Its frustrating me.
Driving me crazy actually.
People question things.
Things they see.
Things they hear.
About me and my family.
The ones I love most,
Are some of the most broken.
I will never apologize for being one who believes.
Who doesn't give up.
One who believes in the power of love.
Not just love,
Unconditional love.
The pure kind.
The kind you're given when you're given life.
Birthed into this madness.
You should be taught forgiveness,
Before you're taught history.
You should be taught compassion,
Before you're taught science.
Learning how to love yourself,
Will never leave you with feeling its not enough.
If you look at every sunrise,
To find more appreciation than you find in other times,
You are spending your time,
If you can feel the wind and be inspired,
It has the power to put out internal wild fires.
Hearing the river run, can make you feel elated.
Do you get it yet?
The little things are so important.
Everywhere we turn today,
Its like I'm seeing zombies.
That would give me nightmares as a kid.
This blender full of liquid is exploding,
And nobody can find the lid.
Splattering on every surface.
Making it nearly impossible to clean up.
Part of it will be left behind.
For who knows how long.
Even after you move on,
Someone new is cooking in that kitchen.
And in your mind you, not my problem.
But it is.
You should have cleaned up your own mess.
How long do we really think this planet can stay sustained at this rate?
How long before we are putting each other on a dinner plate?
Or isn't that already happening?
I cant even get on a social network like Facebook,
And look at someone say,
Like Kim Kardashian,
Without seeing the most hateful comments.
Things I didn't even realize others were capable of feeling.
Where does that come from?
And is it a responsibility of mine, and yours, to ask that question?
Offer them help?
Help that we don't know how to give.
Can we learn together?
I'm nowhere near perfect.
But never a day in my life,
Would it make me feel better to judge someones character.
Belittle and degrade.
humiliating and attacking.
A fragile human being with feelings.
For fun.
For my own entertainment.
Because I'm "bored".
I sit there some days,
With tears in my eyes and just wonder why?
When did this happen to our planet?
To our world.
Blood sucking leaches,
Will not stop at ounces or liters.
They will suck you dry.
So do as I;
Get the up,
Wipe your eyes,
And live your life like someone died.....For you.
Because they did.
Since when did you think it was ok to be awful?
You want to ask that father,
On his second tour,
How that makes him feel?
While you sit there acting like an immature 12 year old with no life experience,
Someone is losing the ability to walk,
Fighting for YOUR freedom.
YOUR rights.
The greatest people who ever walked this earth,
Spent their time....
Remember that, the next time you're hurting.
Wondering why life is repeatedly, hurting you.
Because you refuse to listen to your heart.
Instead, its our best friends, boyfriends, parents and even strangers.
When will we learn to grow?
As people.
As human beings.
As communities.
Backtracking is exhausting.
Enough already.
Why, are we not just as one nation,
But nations from across this world,
Making excuses for the massive hurting on every street and in every building.
STOP pretending that these things aren't happening!
STOP taking your anger and frustrations out on Kim Kardashian!
Get off Facebook,
And go read about Martin Luther King Jr,
Rosa Parks,
People who made a difference!
Why are we acting as if our time isn't running out?
I'm angry.
I have no choice, but to be.
Because, although i will never underestimate the absolute beauty,
I'm angry that nobody will acknowledge these demons.
I refuse to not,
Spend my time,
Living my life.....
And to hear some say.... "This is boring".......

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