Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Stranger Or Angel? 8/13

Today is a new beginning.
In every sense.
Funny how a meeting with a stranger,
By chance,
Happens to change your entire life.
Almost like they reached in and gently switched out your eye sight.
Once green.
Now the brightest blue you have ever seen.
Not just your eyes,
Suddenly now everything is different.
Your entire being feels it.
Now breathes it.
See's it.
The true meaning of life that is.
The unappreciated beauty and people.
All around you.
Thing's that sit right in front of your face.
But become opaque because of the disarray.
The chaos of daily life.
As often as you can.
And look around.
Block out every sound.
Lift your head from the ground.
The sun can almost always change a frown.
Or lift you up when you're depressed and down.
Even when you see clouds,
Remember not everything is what it seems.
For all you know,
Those clouds are deceiving.
Blocking your dreams from being achieved.
Find your way through them.
Through the fog and through the blur.
Even when you're lost,
Don't feel discouraged.
In those moments,
Stop and remember these strangers.
These Angels.
These electric eyes.
Take a deep breath and refuse to die while still being alive.
There are moments when you need to press pause and find the cause.
To the disarray.
The universe has something It's clearly trying to relay.
9 out of 10 times,
I already know what you're going to find.
What you're going to say.
When you really stop to look at the problems you feel you have,
If you just appreciate the good,
You'll feel a sense of joy and feel overwhelming happy and glad.
I know from experience that wallowing in your own pain,
Leaves you with all these rambling words to say.
Extra un needed heart ache.
At the end of your day,
Look back,
Find the good,
And be appreciative like you should.
Acknowledging pain is necessary.
In the disarray,
You find It's not as bad as it seems.
You'll be ok.
This was just one bad day.
There is things in life we don't have control of.
But some we do.
Nobody is in charge of your life,
But YOU.

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