Friday, February 6, 2015

If Only We Are Brave 2/15

I don't want to be alone.
I don't think anyone does.
Regardless of the hate this world speaks of.
Especially when it comes to love.
We twist and torture Its true purpose.
We make it about us.
Us as individuals.
When Its purpose is so much more than that.
In fact,
Selfishness ruins most things.
As human beings,
We don't allow ourselves to be human.
Just following expectations and traditions.
No matter how wrong they are.
Or no matter how much our hearts,
Scream that these things are not what we need,
We inevitably listen.
Blindly following what feels comfortable.
Because of our abusive existence.
Even if It's not what you were born for.
Why don't we see perfect as a defect?
It should be.
Because it doesn't exist.
Our time on this planet is so precious.
Whats atrocious,
Is that we blame it all on whoever is our current president.
Where is the responsibility in it?
To not only ourselves,
But to our children.
Our planet.
The only we home that we have.
We blame thieves,
Cheating spouses,
Without asking why they cheated.
Or what caught stealing.
What are they missing?
Why are they hurting?
Answers will make it all stop.
Saving hurting people,
From hurting more people.
We just keep pushing along.
Never stopping.
To learn.
To pray.
To create.
To build.
To love.
To understand.
To travel.
To heal.
To feel the grass beneath your feet,
Or walk barefoot on gravel.
The stink from it.
I hear lately how people are awakening.
I can't tell you how much I pray for that everyday.
Because with the corruption and neglect in our world today,
The only way we will succeed together as a society,
Is the with effort made to create a massive social movement.
A movement for so much more than a corrupt and injustice system.
Lets start over.
Fix the karmic order.
And go back to the beginning.
Lets give the lands back to the Native American Indians.
Go back to when we traded.
When we cared.
When we appreciated.
When we loved our sisters and brothers.
When we looked to the stars,
Our Gods,
For answers.
A helping hand.
Don't you get it yet?
Even if "it" doesn't exist,
It does.
Just like time.
Or this planet spinning.
It's happening without you even realizing it.
That's why awakening is so important.
Don't wait until It's too late.
Start today.
Learn your neighbors name.
Ask them for a cup of sugar,
For old times sake.
Treat each other like we are a part of tribe.
A part of something incredibly special.
Because we are.
When a life is lost,
The sadness because of it,
Is massively intense.
You want to turn back time desperately.
Remember that each day upon awakening.
Because we can.
And those loved ones you lost,
Are still watching.
Proud or disappointed,
Doesn't change with your body being buried or cremated.
After It's gone and dissipated.
Souls remain.
Ask anyone who knows me deeply.
I know this for fact.
Because they choose to communicate with me.
Allowing me to see something many others don't.
I used to hide it.
Now I wont.
I'm crazy.
I'm a freak.
I'm annoying.
I'm privileged.
I'm hot.
I'm whatever you want me to be.
Your opinions are irrelevant to my being.
To my existence here.
Light bulbs pop.
Phone calls are dropped.
Pennies everywhere.
Whispers in my ear.
Gently pulling on my hair.
Visions of things I cant understand.
Horrible at times.
I question them.
Deciphering them.
Making sure I'm not an awful human being,
For those thoughts that just happened.
The craziest worlds,
Ly in my dreams.
Dying repeatedly,
Only to come back.
Like I'm a cat with nine lives.
Mystically black.
Black as the night.
But with perfect eye sight.
I don't know what is happening.
But all I know Is that I have to write about them.
This is my meditation.
My zen.
Like I'm straight out of Bethlehem.
Desperately trying to find my way home.
I feel others are too.
Some may look at it all and say oh boohoo.
But that is the problem.
Don't deny that you're hurting occasionally too.
Trying to hide it with cage fights, footballs, women, and hunting caribou.
Releasing your own frustrations on innocent animals.
That makes you mad, doesn't it?
That I just said that.
But here we go again,
With America's "default" setting.
Me, me, me.
I, I, I,
Do as I do,
Like what I like,
Or I want you to die.
Maybe not literally,
But emotionally.
I'll hate you for not being like me.
Now we can be friends right?
Because I'm just like you?
Because I'm doing what you want me to do?
When It's not beneficial,
The masses withdrew.
Every soul and heart has grown apart.
Look around you.
7 billion people.
And you think It's about you?
I know.
I do it sometimes too.
Can we all just stop.
For even a day.
And put what is right before dollar bills?
Or what this sick society says?
Having picnics with complete strangers.
Meeting their entire family.
Just to hear their story.
Buying a coat in the winter.
And handing it to a cold, homeless gentleman.
Spending the day at a hospital.
With cancer patients.
Along with your perfectly healthy child.
Going home and non stop bawling.
Realizing you are so incredibly lucky.
For the smallest,
But most meaningful things.
We didn't come in alone.
Most were born,
Thanks to an entire team.
Even in that first moment,
When you take your first breath of oxygen.
So many hands play a role.
They take care of you and your courageous mother.
It makes me emotional too.
I would love nothing more than to live in such a beautiful world too.
It's time that we act like we are thankful.
Before you know it,
Life changes.
It's never the same.
In each second so many people die.
Just because you might live an amazing life,
Or haven't experienced the pain of losing so many loved ones,
Lived through the kind of pain,
Where you didn't know if you would ever find yourself again,
When you honestly felt like you were dying,
So please,
Don't forget about the rest of them.
This world,
And us people,
Are not perfect.
But we are worth it.
Seeing is believing.
And believing is brave.
Be brave.
Be there for each other.
Love a stranger.
It's never too late.
Fate and free will go hand in hand.
Stop living like those hands are bound.
March across the grounds.
A happiness we could never imagine exist somewhere out there.
Come with me.
Lets set out on a journey.
Lets find it.
Finally peacefully living in it.
Is something entirely different.
Today is the day,
That my own life is forever changed.

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