Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Do You Know Why You're Here? 2/15

Most people get a lifetime of treatment that they don't deserve.
Loving people so purely and unconditionally,
That its actually hurting.
Souls traveling.
Colliding for good reasons.
To teach each other.
One broken.
Or both.
It doesn't make a difference.
You'll walk away hurting or learning something.
Either way, it's worth it.
You see,
Because if you're not hurting.
You're not learning.
The most painful moments in life,
Help humans grow.
Even an injured, bloody animal,
Lying in the white snow.
With a will to live,
You will.
But here' where there become problems for some.
We go off on these individual journeys ,
Looking for our missing pieces.
Occasionally running into things, or people,
There were never written into your plan for the beginning.
Making us become lost.
In our own lives and in our own heart's.
Sometimes it's caused by another heart.
Or it's a substance of some sort.
Maybe driven to that substance,
Because of a baby you never wanted to abort.
Or because nobody ever cared about your heart.
Your father never saying goodbye before departing.
Maybe because you cant look at your own reflection,
Without being flooded with ugly emotions.
Nobody knows everyone's reasons.
The most important part,
Is to remember lost souls walking through the dark.
To remember that we are not alone.
There's an intelligence of some kind coming from the unknown.
To artistic people who are expressing our history and our future.
By not being afraid of the unknown,
And not being afraid of the pain.
Taking it and turning it into something beautiful.
That's what this life is about.
Yours and mine.
Its about evolving.
And growing.
Becoming more than what you think you are,
Every time you come back down from the stars.
It's about loving.
Above all else.
Remember those words.
Love. Love. Love.
It's all that matters.
It's how we fix the karmic order.
Fixing what we have destroyed.
Again and again.
Lifetime after lifetime.
The idea of life...
Is to learn.
Why else would we be here?
I feel sorry for you if you don't believe in the other side.
Trust people like me.
Who never expected to have literal whispers in my ear.
Terrifying me to my core.
Because people like you,
Say that it's imaginary.
I'm here to tell you that it's not.
That we in fact, do have a God.
I do believe there is more than one.
There's also other people,
Who are equally as important.
We all are.
This experiment,
Was, is, and will always be about free will.
Why you ask?
I have no clue.
But I know that it's why we are here.
So it leads to these billions of questions,
That I desperately try to answer.
And then explain to you,
With these words, these prayers, these pens.
I couldn't tell you.
Just another whisper communicating,
The importance of you knowing.
I put my own reputation on the line because it's that strong.
I'm likely "crazy" to this entire world.
But what's strange,
Is that it doesn't really matter.
I feel there is a purpose.
I don't care to discuss it.
I'm enticed too.
By something invisible.
Here I sit.
But never alone.
These words remind me that this is not my home.
I'm here to learn.
One day,
On my way back,
I hope to be sent back again.
Because the amount of energy swirling inside of me,
Makes me realize I can never accomplish it all in one lifetime.
When I was a little girl,
It was all so confusing.
The older I get,
The more my mind is expanding.
The more I let go of the fear of what I truly am,
The more that I accept,
I am more than this body and mind.
Faces from the other side.
That are unrecognizable until we arrive.
Maybe relatives.
There is even butterflies.
An abundance of loved ones.
I'm convinced,
Some of the deeply painful problems we have in our lives,
Is simply because you don't remember each other from your past lifetimes.
Your faces are different.
And so are you names.
But your souls are still the same.
Feeling that strange connection you just cant explain.
No matter how many years you stay frozen, trying.
It will never happen.
Not until you see them again,
After you die.
Reincarnation happens for two reasons.
You either want to come back to do good,
Or because you need to work on fixing your very own karmic order.
That's why this world is literally split in two.
I use to think I could change it.
Now I don't want to.
Because today I understand,
That it's suppose to be this way.
And if you truly love someone at the end of the day,
Never take away their free will.
Their room to grow.
When you stop growing,
Be brave enough to let each other go.
If you don't, or can't,
That's not love at all.
Those things are exactly what give love a bad name,
After all.
No matter how scared you are;
You're never alone.
Everything is going to be alright.
Find the light.
You'll find the love.
Everything you thought that mattered,
Disappears when you begin to float up above.

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