Thursday, June 19, 2014

Dreams 6/14

The only place I want to be is in a fantasy.
Anywhere but reality.
It's unbearably harsh at times.
It's like you have to get away occasionally,
To get your mind right.
But in these days we live in,
Most cant even afford a vacation.
Us adults have a problem with not using our imaginations.
Its like once you pass a certain age as a child,
Life becomes about miles.
And money.
Because life can be so much more.
Like revolving doors.
Giving you an opportunity to walk down so many floors.
To experience things that money could never give you.
The only thing most girls my age seem to care about,
Is the day they say, "I do".
With a beautiful dress.
And a gorgeous ring.
The woman who has everything.
That was ironically,
One dream I never had even as a child.
I knew there was much more than one person could offer you.
I knew that there was no rush to get to that alter.
In fact, I may never make it.
Despite what society says,
I'm ok with that.
My daughter who was born out of wedlock,
Still has her dad.
Sins are there for you to repent.
For you to be forgiven.
I don't know how many other ways he must show us,
That we are loved.
And if we are existing,
He wants us to keep living.
To keep loving.
To keep breathing.
I only live for one person.
I feel like I'm on a mission.
Here for a reason.
So I'm bulldozing my way through.
Still looking out for you.
And you and you.
Exhausting myself and saying fuck freedom.
What good is it if you don't use it.
There's people right now,
Living in sheds, huts,
With dirt floors.
Water the same color as these floors,
Making dollars a day in sweat shops,
Making un needed items for us Americans.
There are no scattered colorful children's toys.
Those little girls and boys,
Even adults,
No doubt dream.
Of a better life.
A better world.
Is that what it comes down to?
Americans should be stripped naked and given the bare essentials.
I'll give it 2.5 seconds before there is massive corruption and violence.
The constitution being thrown around.
Shouting you cant control my life!
I have rights!
Storming inside.
Loading your automatic weapons.
Your rifles.
But before walking out that door,
Can I ask you a favor?
Ask yourself what you are fighting for.
So you can go to work from 9-5.
To come and eat entirely way too much food.
To sit down for a few moments,
Watching your favorite television shows.
To kiss your children,
After they get into their pajamas.
Talk with your partner about how your day went.
Looking at the clock,
Realizing you've run out of time.
Its off to bed.
To wake up at 6 A.M.
To do it all over again.
If you're a privileged one.
Don't get me wrong,
We all work hard,
You'll be lucky enough to afford a vacation.
If we are going to be such greedy,
Hostile Americans,
Could we at least make it worth while?
Do something good with these money piles.
Investing it into the world and into its people.
Teaching them to care and give back.
Whenever they can.
Whenever its needed.
Instead of lying.
To own land.
That wasn't even yours.
We actually still celebrate it.
Is it that important?
To be in command.
To be in control.
To bring down an entire nation.
The entire world.
I hope one day our governments will start to listen.
To have some compassion.
To care more about human life and life in every form.
Not just a newborn human.
If having a false sense of freedom,
Comes down to war,
Soldiers, so much corruption and violence,
There comes a point,
Where you have to ask yourself as a citizen,
A decent human,
What is worth it?
How do you want to spend your time.
And if it should come down to,
"If you can afford it."
In my opinion,
That's a sad life to live.
When we could change the world,
And make dreams come true.
For people like Maya Angelou.
Martin Luther King Jr.
John F. Kennedy.
The Dalhi Lama.
President Lincoln.
People who dared to put others before themselves.
Dared to actually love and dream.
Where people like that have gone is a mystery.
I feel for children today.
I couldn't imagine this place is where I was raised.
Parents don't get to even raise or watch their own children grow.
Society immediately in most cases,
Takes control.
You cant even be there,
Because you're trying to keep food on your table that is bare.
We are consuming too much.
In every sense.
We are deliberately robbing our resources.
We live and don't think about consequences.
As an entire nation,
I think its time we stop moving for just a second.
And have a moment of silence.
For ourselves.
Allow yourself to remember who you really are inside.
Why and what you live for.
If it's even worth it.
And if its not,
Just remember these revolving doors.
They are everywhere.
Find one and let your journey begin.
You are not an animal.
Nor a robot.
You are not caged in.
Allow your silence to ask yourself if you would like to be reprogrammed.
Dare to dream big.
Dare to think the impossible,
Is achievable.
With effort from an entire nation,
We could actually give these forgotten children a chance.
We could give them something to be proud of.
We could teach them to care.
Just by being there.
The cure to everything is love.
And before laughing at that thought,
Look deep down inside.
You know its not a lie.
And with nobody watching,
You'll suddenly find yourself no longer laughing.
We are our revolution.
We are our only solution.

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