Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Ugly Duckling 3/13

Raindrops like acid.
You hate yourself.
So you're fasting.
Casting a spell of punishment upon yourself.
Conducting your own train to hell.
Somewhere along the line,
Your mind was infected.
With some sort of virus.
Your skin is burning.
Like its suffering from psoriasis.
Hives head to toe.
From stress.
Its all over your body.
Making you feel as if everyone notices.
Your reflection is like a tiger in full pounce,
Coming straight for your face.
You are your own worse critic.
To yourself, You're a disgrace.
With the most hideous face.
Despite the blond hair and straight teeth.
Inside, inside your mind,
You feel crazy.
You feel different.
You feel ugly.
You feel far from heaven sent.
At times,
You feel like the devil lives inside your soul.
You're afraid of everything.
Especially growing old.
Running out of time.
Being left behind.
Never obtaining the love you need.
Living in a zoo.
Never free.
Far from society.
It kills your soul.
If your dimensions aren't Barbie's,
You look awful.
You cant wear white,
Because it becomes stained brown.
From all of that bronzer,
To try and change your frown.
Little do you know,
You hold that needed key.
To release you free to be who you're literally dying to be.
Your acceptance is the key.
Forgiveness comes next.
For allowing yourself to fail.
To not always be the best.
Admitting you don't have all the answers,
Makes you humble.
In life,
You are meant to hurt, trip, fall, stumble.
If there is no pain, There is nothing to gain.
Without your humility,
You're living in vane.
Spend your time wisely.
Stop worrying about your outward beauty.
Focus on what matters.
The inward beauty.
And always remember,
You hold the key to unlock those shackles around your feet to break free.
Run as far as you can......

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