Thursday, May 9, 2013

Elements 3/13

The elements of Earth,
Are similar to emotions.
Earth, Air, Fire, Water.
Like your life.
When your suffering.
The Earth is when things are out of your control.
Air is when its taken from you.
Making it harder to breath.
Fire is when inside your burning.
From pain, Anger, Hurting.
And water is for every tear that has fallen from your face.
Living in such harsh enviorments,
You learn a way to adapt.
Under different circumstances,
It's not always how you would,
Or should normally react.
The sun never stays forever.
There is bound to be bad weather.
No matter where you reside,
Its all a matter of how you deal with it on the inside.
Sometimes choices mean life or death.
Holding so tight onto what little you have left.
Nothing can make you feel open,
Feel free.
Not even the jaws of life can bring a release.
You have to dig deep.
To find meaning.
In everything.
From finding yourself,
Or the weather that mother nature has dealt.
Even if its a slow moving storm,
Its soon to pass.
Hold hope like its one of your precious belongings.
Embrace the impact,
After falling.
Never let it hurt you for nothing.
Stop fighting.
Stop running.
You can't outrun mother nature on foot.
Your answers are there,
Covered in black soot.
Blow it away.
Discover what that inner voice is trying to say.
And then listen to it.
To understand a language,
You don't need to be totally fluent.
Bits and pieces can eventually get you to come to a conclusion.
Telling yourself you'll get through it,
Is not enough.
You have to put in work to keep up.
Even when you're completely out of breath.
You're entire body is aching.
When you literally feel like death.
You have to push through.
Because just over that hill,
The sunrise is waiting for you.
Appreciate the dry days like you do when the sun comes.
Because before you know it,
It will start snowing.
The coldest winter you've ever experienced.
Paying the consequence.
For not being prepared.
Stepping outside,
You're frozen solid by the freezing air.
No chance of defrosting until summer is once again here.
Open your eyes.
Open your heart.
Open your ears.
Let the element of wind,
Blow away your fears.
Fight that fire with every tear that you've cried.
Don't ever let water go to waste.
For once,
Maybe if you fight,
You'll discover you can live with a dry face.
And maybe for once,
Everything will finally be ok.

The Ugly Duckling 3/13

Raindrops like acid.
You hate yourself.
So you're fasting.
Casting a spell of punishment upon yourself.
Conducting your own train to hell.
Somewhere along the line,
Your mind was infected.
With some sort of virus.
Your skin is burning.
Like its suffering from psoriasis.
Hives head to toe.
From stress.
Its all over your body.
Making you feel as if everyone notices.
Your reflection is like a tiger in full pounce,
Coming straight for your face.
You are your own worse critic.
To yourself, You're a disgrace.
With the most hideous face.
Despite the blond hair and straight teeth.
Inside, inside your mind,
You feel crazy.
You feel different.
You feel ugly.
You feel far from heaven sent.
At times,
You feel like the devil lives inside your soul.
You're afraid of everything.
Especially growing old.
Running out of time.
Being left behind.
Never obtaining the love you need.
Living in a zoo.
Never free.
Far from society.
It kills your soul.
If your dimensions aren't Barbie's,
You look awful.
You cant wear white,
Because it becomes stained brown.
From all of that bronzer,
To try and change your frown.
Little do you know,
You hold that needed key.
To release you free to be who you're literally dying to be.
Your acceptance is the key.
Forgiveness comes next.
For allowing yourself to fail.
To not always be the best.
Admitting you don't have all the answers,
Makes you humble.
In life,
You are meant to hurt, trip, fall, stumble.
If there is no pain, There is nothing to gain.
Without your humility,
You're living in vane.
Spend your time wisely.
Stop worrying about your outward beauty.
Focus on what matters.
The inward beauty.
And always remember,
You hold the key to unlock those shackles around your feet to break free.
Run as far as you can......

Something More 5/13

What I'm learning is amazing.
It's like watching a meteor shower.
While star gazing.
Overwhelmingly beautiful.
At times, Excruciatingly painful.
Every road is meant to be traveled.
Rock, Dirt, Gravel, Or asphalt.
There's a reason for every down fall.
I feel amazed that I am breathing air at this moment.
In fact, Despite the pain, I'm glowing.
Receiving is only worth it when giving it in return.
It's like a gift in itself.
Lessons learned.
From people you choose to pick up,
Or keep by your side.
Throughout this thing we call life.
It's so much more than life in fact.
This body is the only one you've had.
Though you've had many souls before this.
Some happy.
Some angry.
Some sad.
I feel we are put back into this cycle,
To finish unfinished business from a life that was ended before it was ready.
Too heavy of a burden to bury.
So its born again.
To live again.
To learn again.
What keeps me curious,
Is why we are built up to be the best we can be for.
Is it golden gates.
Or just another door.
It is for wings to fly free.
Or a decision to make when you're handed a key.
Do you return again, To help.
Or find your own peace.
So that you can "rest", Finally.
I'm choosing to embrace everything I hate in this life.
To find some sort of peace of mind.
I'm no longer going to stay silent.
When words are meant to be spoken.
No longer going to let my life be violent.
Like a horror film.
I'm going to love myself.
Respect myself.
Help people with similar hands dealt.
Because I will never forget how it felt.
To feel so alone in such a crazy world.
To feel helpless.
Just being one girl.
The next time I hear water running through a stream,
Buried in an enchanted Forrest,
I'm going to mentally record it.
Appreciate it.
Love it.
The smallest moments in life,
Can build the overall bigger picture.
If you pay attention.
Your eyes always in motion.
Your heart open.
Your mind free.
From the lies told by our society.
You'll find your purpose,
Have faith.
That there is something more.