Monday, March 18, 2013

If Ever A Time, The Time Is NOW 3/13

Do you ever stop to realize,
That just maybe you have a purpose.
That all the pain you have ever felt,
Is worth it.
That without the feelings of utter sadness,
And the never endless madness,
You would never be able to fully appreciate happiness.
That without the downfalls,
Filled with the heaviest rainfall,
There would never be any sun or rainbows at all.
Those day's your skin is warm,
From the burning hot sun,
Are so peaceful.
No running.
No anxiety
Just swimming.
Forever suddenly begins.
I've been on the other side.
When life is at it's end.
I should have died.
So many times.
With each time of my life being spared.
I'm starting to see.
That I don't need to be scared.
I need to make a difference.
I need to share these experience's.
In hopes,
It's someone else's last hope.
When they can't hold on anymore.
At the end of their rope.
Words of wisdom bring light to life.
A path to share.
A way to show someone,
There's more to learn.
More to see out there.
that some people,
Do actually care.
Look at an object for too long.
You'll start to see much more than a simple object sitting there.
Your mind expands.
In enters, Logic.
Your mind in a sense,
Is like how it was when you were ten.
Imagination isn't lost.
And you remember who you really are.
That you haven't been forgotten.
Sometimes that's all it takes.
Is to truly open your eyes.
Or come so close to death,
That you know just how lucky you are to be alive.
Letting spirits come through my soul.
To write these words.
When it's over,
I fly away feeling like a free bird.
Above it all.
Above the clouds.
Sitting on top of the world.
But no longer a lonely, scared, girl.
From the moment I seen that light,
Just this past Friday night,
My eye's suddenly opened.
Wider than ever before.
At that moment,
I was once again re-born.
Today, I know what it's like,
To feel truly alive inside.
This is my apology.
For ever wanting to die. 

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