Sunday, April 14, 2013

Little Faces 3/12

Little faces are the most beautiful.
So innocent.
So genuine.
So amazingly true.
They constantly carry the skies that are blue.
Smiles that could never be replaced.
laughter filling the air.
Their thing's scattered everywhere.
Living without a care.
Dora blaring in your ear.
To them, They rarely feel fear.
They just love with every breath.
They fully live until there is nothing left.
Falling asleep in a plate full of food.
Because they don't want to miss anything.
Life is too good.
Quiet voices or lungs that are clearly large.
Hear them quietly chatting.
Or screaming far afar.
Things that are so simple,
But bring happiness.
Like a swing at a park.
Just being outside.
It's where they feel mostly alive.
Because they feel free.
Unlike the society they live in.
Eventually life comes to a point,
Where society itself is what robs the innocence.
The enchanting essence.
Of something untainted.
Something absolutely beautiful.
They've been picked apart as they grew.
What's wrong, What's right, What's ok, And what not to do.
Their brains may still not be fully developed.
But don't let that fool you.
If you were smart,
You would recognize how much they can teach you.
Almost like each others guide.
Balancing a scale.
The scale of life.
Not the Cinderella fairy tale.
They say "Let children, be children".
Because we all know what society creates in the end.
A worn out, Tired soul.
Bitter once you become old.
Life is no longer your favorite ride at Disneyland.
Your head is no longer buried in the sand.
What you feel is the weight of the world.
While being married with 2 boys and 1 girl.
You have more than one job.
The home you never have time for,
Makes you seem like a slob.
The pressure to not become a statistic,
Or a family living off of assistance,
Is what causes these great resistances.
To be how we were born to be.
Love each other.
And live free.
Don't ever be tied down by this sick society.
You're an individual for a reason.
Don't let your Government take away your positive believing.
Educate yourself about the world you live in.
No just the United States.
You ask me why?
I already have too much on my plate.
Because those moments where you feel pure compassion for another soul,
Even half way across the world,
Are moments that you unknowingly instill in your little boys and girls.
Which inevitably, Can save the world.
Love is the answer to every question you have in life.

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